Sunday 21 April 2013

Poem Time!

A different kind of post today, hope you enjoy it!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Sound familiar? If so good, if not take a minute and search "The Road Not Taken" by Rober Frost and read it. It's okay I'll wait......

Read it? Good. Now you understand why I love this poem so much. Still confused? I'll explain. 

The general idea of this poem is to do things that you want to do and not let anyone's opinion stop you, that's what I get out of it when I read it anyways and I stand by it. This opportunity that I'm taking is my own choice, my own dream and I know that if I do not do this I will be taking the road most traveled on. 
This whole experience is new to me and it will be life changing. It will make all the difference and I'm excited for this new challenge and adventure, more so to see what life brings me on the road ahead.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Why this job?

There has been a lot of people asking why I wanted to become an au pair in the first place, what got my mind thinking that I would want to do this job. Truth is it is all because of this lady here....Mary Poppins.

Yes this may seem funny to some or weird to others that a movie character could help me choose my future career but if you know me any amount you know that I love my movies.

So no matter what you actually think of this new information, silly, weird or whatever adjective you can think of it is the truth and now here's why.

I remember first watching Mary Poppins when I was younger and fell in love with the dancing and the singing. I remember in Grade 4 when my Poppa taught the other 6 fourth graders in my class and I how to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" backwards...I now forget how to say it but for a good week I could. The whole aspect of Mary Poppins job, looking after the Banks kids, going on adventures and laughing all the time, I wanted all of these things in a future career. Mary Poppins has been a part of the majority of my life and it's really exciting to know see that I'll be the Canadian version of her :)

The joke around my family now is that I'll need to buy a magic bag to carry around with me and a parrot umbrella and I'm all set to go to England.