So even though this is a blog dedicated to my trip and adventures that I'll have over there just wanted to brag about something. After three tough, hard working years I will have completed my College education :) Now for some back story:
At seventeen, late birthday yeah me, I had to decided what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and that's a lot of pressure. I thought I was ready to go to College and start "furthering my education" as my Poppa would say but it turns out I wasn't. After applying and eventually going to Mohawk College for Broadcasting I decided to drop out of my program after a couple of weeks and go back to high school for my leap year. This is, up to now, the best decision I have ever made. During the leap year I took classes that I was interested in, because I had already graduated and had all the credits I needed. I did a co-op at the Public School by my high school and loved working there, I finally knew what I wanted to do and was happy doing it which is the most important thing in life (to work at a job but it not feel like you're working at all because you love your job so much).
I applied at Lambton College for the Early Childhood Education program and fast forwarding to today I am only four weeks away from graduating from my second College program. It has been a busy and tough three years but I am so happy with all the hard work that I have done and so thankful for my friends and family supporting and helping me along the way. Without them I wouldn't be the person who I am today and be going on this grand adventure. Thank you :)

Remember feel free to comment and ask anything you like :)