So as of February 15th I may be on my way to Paris for four days :) Now I saw "may" because the trip is not guaranteed quite yet - we need a certain amount of people to be able to go on it and we haven't reached that goal yet. In two weeks I'll know if the trip is 100% or not, and I am hoping so. My friend and I have our spots and now we are just waiting for others to join up as well.
Once I know if the trip is a go I will write it in a post but until then I'd rather not just because if it doesn't happen I won't get to do all those things that the trip includes. If the trip is a no go my friend and I get our money back and will plan a different trip - somewhere in England for a couple of days so at least we have a back up plan just in case this one does not work.
BUT a trip that I am 100% sure going on it what I can tell you all about in this post :)

On the right is the map of all the places I will be visiting on this trip. The trip is 11days and starts and ends in London (so I don't have to travel extra to start this journey). We start the tour is Paris (so at least if I do not go in February I will be there in August) and stay there for two days. After we make our way to the Swiss Alps for two days and then onto Venice for two days as well. After Venice we get to pay a visit to Dachau, a former concentration camp, where we will have time to reflect and pay our respects (this part of the tour really attracted me to the tour overall because I have always found WWII very interesting to learn about and to be able to visit one of the camps will be a hard but yet respecting value with me. On the next stop, Rhine Valley, we get to explore and stay the night in a castle! Amsterdam is next for two days and then we make our way back home to London.
It's going to be a very busy 11days but I am so excited for this trip! I have dreamed about visiting these places and finally being able to will be one thing to cross of the bucket list.
Since being in London I've been to four different plays/musicals and I am not stopping there! Last weekend I saw the play "Once" which is based off of the Oscar nominated movie of the same name. It was such an amazing play! The music they had in it was very folky (like Mumford&Sons) and each actor played their our instrument, there was no pit band - I have never seen a play done like this before so it was very interesting to watch.
In February I am going to see "Dirty Dancing" as part of a group and in March I am going to see "Wicked" with a friend of mine.
I still plan on adding to the list but for now this is what I've got to look forward to :) Much more to come from me in the next couple of months, have to start planning on seeing more around London and check more stuff off of my "To Do England List". Any suggestions?