Sunday 30 June 2013

Who knew that Disney Characters were so smart?

I've always liked this quote, and anytime I read it I can always see Belle dancing around on that hill of hers and mindlessly throwing the chicken food around. First of, Belle your wasting the food geez! Second this quote describes my situation perfectly! 

For the people that know me yes I am very much a home body, I'd rather be at home doing something than go out this is true. Now that you know this some of you may be wondering why on Earth then am I flying 8hrs from home and staying there for a year? Crazy pants right? Right, I have been called crazy for taking this job and have been told that I'll end up calling home the first day crying that I miss my family. Of course I'll miss my family but I'm almost twenty-two (103 days and counting) it's time for me to put on my big girl pants and say "Hey lets go explore while we still can."

And that's exactly what I will be doing. Yes I am scared of this adventure but I am also excited to go to a new country (yeah I know England isn't that much different than Canada in some ways but still new place) and to just be young and not worry about all the little things I have been since I graduated high school.

I do want so much more than they've got planned....and I'm going after it :)

1 comment:

  1. you are such a strong & brave person Alli!
    I know you can do it & we are all always here to talk if you need too:)
