Most of you who have me on Facebook or are a close family member of mine already know this but for those that do not I would like to tell you about my weekend and how another chance of fate happened once again for me.
On Saturday I was met with another Canadian Au Pair for the day, we made a plan of going to the King's Cross Journey which was a festival that celebrated the Victorian times in England. They had dancing, sing-a-longs, games and food there for everyone to enjoy and best part was that it was all for free. Her and I spent a good portion of the afternoon there and then headed to Tower Hill and walked along the Thames all the way up to the Houses of Parliament. It was a good hour walk or so because of how busy London is on the weekends but we found neat little shops and different displays and street performers.
Before all of this happened though I had to meet her at King's Cross Station, it's about an hour ride on the tube and only about twenty minutes for her since she lives closer to it than I do. She got there first so I texted her and said that she should get her picture taken at Platform 9 & 3/4 while she waited for me. Once I finally got there I met her as she was still in line. It was quite busy in the station as well, me thinking because it was the weekend but in fact it was due to the fact that an actor from the Harry Potter films was there. Mr. Warwick Davis, he played Professor Flitwick and Griphook in the films, was taking pictures with people at Platform 9 & 3/4 (he is in London performing in "Spamalot" on West End.) I tagged along with my new friend and just before it was our turn they said that he had to leave. We were bummed out that we didn't get a chance to get a picture with him but still got our pictures taken anyways, this time for me in my true house scarf Hufflepuff :)
Her and I went into the store so she could purchase her picture and it turned out that Warwick was going to stick around for autographs and quite pictures! We caught him on the way out and I got my camera case signed and a photo with him as well. Apparently there was an announcement somewhere that he was going to be there that day because a lot of people came dressed up and had the Harry Potter books for him to sign as well.
So far on my journey here I have been very, VERY lucky to have such great opportunities and experiences. I am so blessed that I could even come to England to work and to travel as a bonus. My month of October is pretty packed with musicals, going to other au pairs home towns, traveling outside of London and exploring some of the most historic places in Europe. I am very thankful for all the love and support from my family and friends as I embark on this adventure and grow a little more each day from all that I have accomplished to get here. Yes I know this last paragraph is sappy but it has to be said, thank you everyone :)
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