Saturday, 2 November 2013

Mini Break Part Two

Hampton Court Palace
          Well my week off is coming to an end, which I am sad but also happy about (as I will explain later.) So onto the rest of my week!
         Thursday was Halloween and so instead of sitting on the couch all day watching Halloween movies (I did that that night instead) I went to Hampton Court Palace which is where Henry the VIII lived, as well as some other Kings.

          I just have to say now that it is such a beautiful place! And not just because of the architecture, the paintings and the staircases and just how everything is arranged in Hampton is just breath taking! If I could live there I think I would. It was a cool day, which didn't help with my cold but I pressed on. I'm really glad that I have this membership pass (thank you again Caitlin), now I don't have to worry about seeing everything in one visit, I can go back anytime I like (as long as they are open) and explore more of the things that I didn't see.
Just one of the beautiful ceilings I saw 
They have this exhibit on at the moment all about the Royal Bedchambers of some of the people who lived there, we weren't allowed to take pictures but the beds were just beautiful! I believe it was Queen Anne who had FIVE mattresses for her bed, they were made of feathers and soft wool (and stacked every other). I think it was King George who had a take-away bed that he would bring with him where ever he went, it could be taken part and put into a box about 3 ft wide. But when it was resembled it would be as long as 6ft for a comfortables nights sleep.
Natural History Museum 

On Friday I went into London to go to the Natural History Museum, and this day made me decide for the next half term break the girls have (if the family is on vacation I will also go somewhere else other than central London!) Oh my god it was busy, well everyday that I've been into London this week it has, but this was a totally different story! Just trying to walk around the museum and see anything was a struggle, you had kids running around and running into you, parents who were carrying their kids (which is smart for being so busy) but not looking where they are going and hitting you (which was not fine) and then you had the "in a hurry parents and kids" who would run by you and two seconds later run by you again in the opposite direction. 
Thank goodness it is free to get into the museum or I would not have gone that day, I will have to go back again when it is not as crowded to really enjoy myself there. For the weekend I plan on taking it easy, I think this is the first weekend that I have not gone into London or gone somewhere at least one of the days. I have been feeling better so a couple of days of relaxing won't hurt. The family gets back on Monday so it will be go-go-go for me when they get back, which will be nice to get back into routine again.

I have a few little things planned for November, mostly going to the movies and getting my Christmas presents and cards ready, and December will be a busy one with the girls have their break, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years and all the activities I will be joining in with the family. I hope to from here on out to post at least once a week just to give an update or even twice a week depending on what's going on. I think I'll make my blog postings for Sundays, it'll be a nice wind down from the week and a reflection of what I did the past week. Remember to comment with any recommendations you wish me to go to or any pictures that you want to see of past events or really anything :) Thanks for reading guys!

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