Well it could be, somewhere anyways. Maybe not on Earth but maybe somewhere like Mars? They would be the ones to have that sort time wouldn't they?
Anyways, that leads into my Friday evening. I went to the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre to see Panic! At The Disco, my all time favourite band, and two opening bands - MT and King Charles. Those two bands each did a thirty-minute show with about fifteen minutes inbetween to set up for the next band.
So I left my place at about 5:30pm and got to the Apollo Theatre at around 6:30pm, the doors didn't open until 7pm so I had plenty of time- and I had a seated seat so I didn't have to worry about being there early in order to get a good spot to stand. Man oh man was is busy though! When I got there I had to ask one of the security guards where the line ended so that I didn't cut in front of anyone....he pointed at least a kilometre down the road!!!
Found my seat finally and sat down to enjoy the concert. The first two bands I could sit for the entire thing but as soon as P!ATD came out everyone was on their feet and it was amazing! I knew all of the songs they played and sang to each one of them (except for two that I didn't know all of the lyrics too).
They put on an amazing concert and I am so happy that I finally got to see them live.
So there is two more things off of my "Bucket List", go to a concert while in England and see my favourite band/singer live. Now I just have to see Michael Buble live and I've crossed that one off completely.
And in the last week of May I will be going to see Wicked! So excited for that!
TTFN everyone :)
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