Monday 11 November 2013


          Yes you read that right... Christmas! Well over in London it is anyways. Christmas lights are everywhere, all the shops have there Christmas items out and they are even playing Christmas all over the radio and showing Christmas movies on the TV. Good thing it's my favourite holiday ;)

          Saturday on Regent Street was the annual Christmas lighting ceremony. It was going on throughout the whole day with mini fashion shows and then at around 5pm the concerts started. I briefly saw Leona Lewis, Eliza Dolittle and Baby Spice, also it was on a big screen that I saw them. The place was packed! And apparently you needed to have a VIP wristband to even get into the venue so needless to say my friend and I were with about 200 other people outside the barriers trying to get the best view we could.

          I saw a bit but you couldn't really hear anything so it wasn't really worth the little moss pit that we were in. We eventually moved back a bit on the street so that we could see all the lights and patiently waited for Phil Dunphy (from Modern Family, I know that's not his real name but much easier to picture the character than me saying the actors name and you having to look him up.) Around 7pm they started the count down to turn on the lights, they pressed the button AND.....nothing. No lights and a lot of booing from the audience. They tried it again AND......nothing yet again. About 10 minutes later they tried one more time and finally they lit!

          Fireworks followed the lights turning on and it actually felt like it was Christmas, just needed a cup of hot chocolate in my hands and it would have really felt like it. After the ceremony my friend and I walked around Regent Street, taking pictures of the lights and meeting up with more friends. We then went into Hamley's, a 7 Floor Toy Store! Each floor has it's own theme, toys wise, and there is so much that I want to get that I might as well buy the store and then I could have it all.

          The next couple of weeks are sort of lazy weeks, I don't really have much planned (other than maybe going into London the odd weekend) but I am currently getting my Christmas package ready to send back over to my family. Happy to say that I am finally done my Christmas shopping, just have to send it all over now. There is a new movie coming out each week that I want to see so I think I'll take sometime for myself and go and see them :)  "The Butler" is finally coming to the UK on Friday, next week it's "Catching Fire" and at the end of the month "Saving Mr. Banks" (yes we get it before you "insert evil laugh here").

Merry Christmas from Mike&Sully!
          All is well with me and the family. They just got back last week from their mini holiday and the girls had a lot of fun with rock climbing, swimming and many more activities. Now it's back into school and after school activities routine, which has been going surprisingly well even after a week off. Also mentioning Christmas we will have two new additions to the family by that time, TWO more kittens! I'm going to turn into crazy cat lady and they won't even be my cats haha.

          I hope to try and post at least once a week, unless some really awesome stuff goes on and then there could be more. So hope all is well in Canada, missing my friends and family but am so glad that I am here and experiencing this :) talk to you all later!

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