Tuesday 29 July 2014

Paris, Swiss Alps, Venice, Germany, Amsterdam! Say What?!?!

 AHH!! That's how I feel at the moment, not that you can hear that sound come out of my mouth but it's a good AHH not a bad one. In exactly 2 days I will be on my away across Europe! I don't know how long I've been wanting to go to Europe but now that it's finally happening I am just too excited about it!

The last time I was in Paris, can't believe I can say that now, I didn't get a lot of time to actually explore the city so I'm really happy that on our second day there we get to go around Paris as much as we want. I'm really hoping to see "The Moulin Rouge" and Notre Dame - the only places I didn't see via the coach bus last time.

Just cannot believe it's here already! And that it will be August in 3 days AND that I will be home within a month and a couple of days.

The time here has just gone and left me hasn't it? Looking over my photos and posts from the past year it still surprises me of all the events and activities I've gotten myself into.

I am hoping to do at least two more blog posts before I leave London. One about my Europe Adventures and the other about my final two weeks in England. We'll see how that goes...

I know this is sort but now I am off to pack and get organized for Europe :)

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